Tom Greene & Tony Hawk | RayGun Magazine | 10.05.99

This wasn’t a music shoot, but it was for RayGun Magazine, which is close.  Does that count?  I was asked to meet Tom Greene and Tony Hawk at Tom’s office in Hollywood.  It was my first time shooting Tom Greene and my second time shooting Tony Hawk.  

I took them both outside onto the streets with their skateboards.  They just fucked around up and down the block.  Tom was trying to do tricks while Tony was doing tricks.  I shot the whole shot with my Fuji GA645’s on color negative film.  Keeping things easy and simple is ALWAYS my way.

Let’s fast forward to 2021… I posted one of the photos on my Instagram account one day.  Next thing I know Tony reaches out and asks to see more.  I sent him a selection for him to use.  He loved them!  Next thing I know Tom reaches out and asks for samples as well.  Too funny.