07.20.96 – Red House Painters | Island Records

This was a good one!  My good friend & publicist John Vlautin at Island Records hired me for a publicity shoot with the Red House Painters.  I did the shoot up in San Francisco at Blue Sky Studios.  I don’t remember the band so much, but I do remember their leader Mark Kozlik.  SO nice, cool, talented and fun.  SO easy to shoot and very laid back.

I spent the day shoot multiple set-ups.  Having the band change looks and shooting quickly.  I never liked making shoots last longer than they had to.  Everyone has something better to do so be quick!  Know what you want and shoot it.  

A band like the Red House Painters was easy to shoot cuz they were mellow.  Made my day easy.  I remember Mark ended up being in Cameron Crowe’s Almost Famous.  He was in the band Stillwater.  Too crazy!  Best movie ever!