I’m often asked about who is my favorite subject?  What was your best shoot?  What was your favorite shoot?  Who would you love to shoot?  ALL good questions.  I actually sat down with all this free time and thought about it.  Really looked at my shoots and photos.  Dug deep.  I asked myself… Is there a best shoot ever?

So I chose one.  It would be my first shoot with Iggy Pop in New York City in 1993.  It was for Virgin Records publicly department.  We shot at Industria Studios.  I had my best crew and we kicked serious ass!  Every bit of this shoot was what I love.  A great subject, a great crew and me at my best!  Iggy Pop was super professional and did everything I asked.  I was lucky enough to shoot him 2 more times after this iconic shoot!  So proud of every image from this shoot. 

OH WAIT!!!  I’m wrong!!!  My favorite shoot was with Michael Hutchence!!!  Yes!  NO!!!  It was my shoot with George Michael in Los Angeles.  Yes that’s the one.  NO!!!!  It was shooting Ice-T in LA for Virgin Records.  UGH!  I can’t decide.  Sorry, I’ll get back to you.