I’ve been watching Stephen Colbert for way too long.  The one thing I love is his Colbert Questionert that he does with his guest.  He’s added and cut some questions through the years, but these are the one I got and answered.  Not as easy as I thought it would be, but it was fun.  Here we go… 

Best Sandwich?
TOGO’s #7 hot – Roast beef, Swiss cheese, mayonnaise, onion, lettuce on a French roll.

What is the one thing you own that you should really throw out?
My insecurity and low self esteem.

Scariest animal?
Snakes!!  Never a fan.  But there are many more that scare the fuck out of me.

Apples or oranges?
Pre-cut apple slices!

Have you ever asked someone for their autograph?
When I was a kid I asked some baseball players at a Giants game.  Don’t remember who.

What was your first concert?
Return to Forever, April 23rd, 1976

What is your earliest memory?
San Francisco Zoo.  I was in 3 or 4 I think sitting in my stroller.  We were standing in front of the hippo cage.  Everyone was wondering why there was no hippo.  Then the hippo climbed out of a pond.  The tail started spinning like a propeller and shit came flying out everywhere.  Basically shit hit the fan!

Cats or dogs?
Ugh.  NOT easy!!  I’ll say dogs, but I do love cats.  I would love to have a dog someday.

What happens when we die?
I think we go back to where we came from.  Not sure where that is.

Favorite action movie?
UGH!  Too many to count.  For today I will say… The Matrix.

Window or aisle?
Aisle!  I like to be able to get up without bothering anyone.

Favorite smell?
Fresh cookies out of the oven.

Least favorite smell?
Stinky poop!

Most used app?
Does the message app count?  Probably Instagram.

You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life: What is it?
That’s the Way of the World by Earth, Wind & Fire.

What number am I thinking of?

Describe the rest of your life in 5 words.
Having fun doing the work.