I’m a big fan of quotes.  I’ve collected them for years.  They’ve helped me understand and deal with many moments in my life.  They also have made me laugh.  Some are from songs, from movies or just quotes.  Here’s 10 of my favorite quotes… 

  1. “Life is difficult.  It’s even more difficult when yer stupid.”
  2. “A goal without a plan is a wish.”
  3. “Sit your 5 dollar ass down before I make change”
  4. “I needed that pain to get me where I am today.”
  5. “Normal is not something to aspire to, it’s something to get away from.”
  6. “All in the game yo.  You either play or get played.”
  7. “Sometimes it’s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever.”
  8. “The love of my life, she left me one day.  I cried when she said I don’t feel the same way.”
  9. “One day you’ll be cool.”
  10. “Curiosity informs my passion.”