Do you have any idea what 50 YEARS of photography looks like?  Can you visualize how much it is?  Well… come spend a day with me at my vault and you will see.  I have 40 years worth of film & proof sheets!  20 years worth of hard drives!  50 years of memories and life!  Lets just say it’s a shit ton of stuff.

I’m pretty organized with everything.  My film shoots are color coded and alphabetized.  Everything is safe an secure in boxes.  Everything is taken care of so that it will be safe forever and beyond.  Every visit I make I find something new.  I find some memories I forgot!  I find joy, pain, fun and more.  I find my life!

Some advice to all you young photographers… get a system now that works for your art that will evolve with your career.  I didn’t think about how much I would accumulate all these years.  I did not have an idea what I would have after all these years.  It’s more than I ever imagined, but so not enough.  Sad to say… I want more!!!