Are you happy with your body of work?  Are you happy with your results?  Just curious.  I’ve never been happy.  Every time I shoot I think it’s the best shoot ever, but I wake up the next day knowing it could have been better.  I think this way about everything.  I’m never satisfied and I never settle.  Kids today say to me… level up!  Raise the bar!!  I laugh and have been doing that since forever.  I always raise the bar!!!!

I think it’s important to push yourself and always of your best.  When you hit that bar and succeed, you gotta raise the bar and aim bigger.  Example… When I first started shooting music my goal was one album package that I could see at Tower Records.  AND then it happened!!!  My first album package Club Nouveau for Warner Brothers Records.  Seeing it at Tower Records in the rack blew my mind.  But then the next day I wanted more and I set my goal to 10 packages!  After the next 10 I wanted more!!!

Am I making sense?  It’s all about raising the bar for your work and life.  Always looking to do and be better.  Always doing the work!!!  I’m not sure why I’m never satisfied, but it works for me.  I guess when I get to the end I will be.  I guess someday I will look back and be satisfied knowing I did my best to be my best.  I raised the bar SO high that I can’t see the bar!!!  Fuck the bar.