Do you like to get or give advice?  Do you ever ask for advice?  Do you listen when you get advice?  How do you feel about unsolicited advice?  I’m OK with advice, but prefer it when I ask for it.  I love giving advice, but I call it notes.  I love giving notes when asked.  Just know if you ask I will be 100% honest!!

Lately I’ve wanted to say things to friends and photographers about the photos they are creating.  I see some bad mistakes and some basic mistakes.  Listen up… watch your composition please!!!  Watch the poses from the models.  Watch your lighting!  Most of all watch what yer getting out of your subject.  IF that subject is a human being… your job is to capture their soul.  Dig deep into their soul and capture it for eternity.

My first advice to everyone is simple… shut the fuck up and shoot!!!  STOP watching YouTube “photographers”!!!  STOP talking about shooting and shoot!  STOP talking about gear and fucking shoot!!!  Just fucking shoot!!!  PLEASE!!!  My last bit of unsolicited advice… don’t forget it’s a journey and you want it to last forever.