I wrote a post awhile ago call You’re Not Special.  It was me ranting about how everyone thinks they’re “special”.  How they think what they do is “special”.  Well, I opened my big mouth and told a close friend she wasn’t “special” and what she did wasn’t “special”.  I was mad at myself and I was having a rant.  I feel SO bad cuz I took out my frustration on someone I love and care about.  A friend I have helped and supported for years.

I thought a lot about that moment and how I took my frustration out on my friend.  It was SO wrong and I feel SO bad.  I also thought about how I feel about everyone thinking they’re “special”.  How everyone thinks what they do is “special”.  It annoys me and I’m trying to sort out why it does.  I think it’s cuz we live in a world where you can do one thing and be a “legend” or “icon”.  In a world where superlatives are used way too much.  In a world where there’s too much of everything and the truly exceptional get overlooked.

I’d like to think that I am not “special”, but my photos are.  I’d like to think what I’ve done, what I’m doing and the people I help is “special” to someone somewhere.  I guess “special” is different for everyone.  What I think is “special” is different for you and my friends.  I just know I have learned a big lesson.  I just need to think before I speak.  I need to understand that everyone is “special” in their own way.  I also need to remember that just cuz I’m a cranky old man doesn’t mean everyone wants to hear my crazy rants.  UGH.  I know I’m better than this.  Like way better.  My bad.  SO sorry!