I had some amazing moments in my life.  Too many to count.  I wanted to share some of my best photography moments.  Some the most amazing, brilliant and awesome life moments ever thanks to PHOTOGRAPHY!!!  And I have photos to prove it.  ;-)

  1. Buying my first Hasselblad – This was a HUGE deal.  I wanted one since I was 10 and did not get one until I was 22.
  2. Tom Hanks & Rita Willson’s wedding – First and last wedding I shot officially.  Too much fun.
  3. Shooting my heroes – being able to meet, shoot and spend time with my musical heroes is a dream come true.
  4. Meeting Helmet Newton – having a 15 minute conversation with a legend was awesome.
  5. Working with James Cameron – 30 years ago seeing James do his thing was inspirational.
  6. Having the best friends ever! – I’ve been blessed to meet so many great people and count many of them as my best friends.  I’m beyond lucky and so grateful.
  7. Shooting the legendary Sydney Poitier – One of my favorite people of all time.  Spending time with him was better than great.
  8. Traveling the world – Been blessed to travel the world and see more than I ever dreamed of.
  9. Hanging with Prince – Way back in 1987 got to hang with Prince at the MTV Awards.
  10. Having my first Greatest Hits Exhibition in LA – More to come yo!  Go BIG or go home.